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Synerduino Surface (Differential and Steering Drive)

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PDF Instruction Surface .pdf

This is a modification Variation of the synerduino firmware as requested for surface vehicles using differential modes of propulsion utilizing two motors suitable for Cars Tank or Boat vehicles

Its Recommended you download and read both PDF instructions along with the other documentation and Reference on this page which provides assembly process and installation of the firmware or Scripts.

Blue * Marks important information and Files require to download

Features like heading hold and GPS modes are a for out door operations.

Ground Station.exe*

XLoader for Hex files Firmware upload to Arduino board*

  • To further simplified the upload the firmware only supports ( 2560 Mega Arduino Board ),
  • Telemetry is hookup to Serial 0 o further simplified the upload the firmware only supports ( 2560 Mega Arduino Board ),
  • Bluetooth Telemetry is hookup to Serial 0 for (HC05 -Bluetooth at Baud 115200) (0 + – Rx Tx)
  • SIK Radio Telemetry is hookup to Serial 1 in Raw data mode at Baud 57600 (1 + – Rx Tx)
  • Disconnect Bluetooth from Serial 0 when uploading Firmware or Configuring via USB

Surface Firmware HEX

Android APK*

PID Parameters* (Boat and Tank PIDs can be use interchangeable)

important note:

  • Bi-directional ESC some may have a BEC of 6V and Required to disconnect the red wire from the PWM connector
  • For Multiple Servos 5V Additional Power may be required a separate BEC or ESC BEC can be use to drive it
  • for Servos that uses 6V its require to Isolate the Redwire and use a seperate 6V BEC to drive it isolated from the Synerduino Board
  • FlywiiGUI > Flight Tuning > (Wait for Reach RTH alt) is not Required and musr be turn off for Surface vehicles
  • FlywiiGUI > Flight Tuning > ignore throttle and Take over Baro – Not applicable can be turn off for surface vehicles

MISC Files

Synerduino Surface .ino

Special surface (support M9-M10 NMEA M7-M8 UBX – GPSHome Reset )(2024)

Legacy surface (support M5-M6 NMEA M7-M8 UBX)(2020)

For motor drivers L293D and L298N see documentation

Telemetry SIK 3DR Radio

set both round station and vehicle radio with same Net ID , Baud Rate, Mavlink as Raw Data Ensure the baud rate matches the Serial Com Speed Config.h of the synerduino Firmware

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