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Synerduino APK – (Aircraft)

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for those who wish to use this application for Vehicle operation as follows here a simple guide to safely operate. its advice that Aux 1 button is set as Arm and Horizon (pls. set this in FlywiiGUI RC Control Setting) Note: when connected this Disables your PWM from the RC Receiver as it switches over to RC Serial using the MSP Protocol

Note: compatible from Android 6 – 10 (may require install from other sources as Android may have warning as outdated Version tested still works)

Main Menu

  • Joystick
  • Accelerometer
  • Settings

Before you start you needed to define the settings of your phone


  • Flight mode- sensitivity setting of the drone
  • Sensor sensitivity – sensitivity of the phone accelerometer
  • Show Progress bar – PWM data
  • Block Yaw – disable Rudder command
  • Aux Rename- List out the Aux switch base on FlywiiGUI (for beginers Aux 1 = Horizon & Arm Mode , this keeps the drone self leveling and as a on/off switch)
  • Prevent Exit While Flying – the App wont exit until the throttle is below 1100ms
  • Roll / Pitch Trims – trim your drone level

Sample of Assigning your Aux button in settings of the FlywiiGUI and Synerduino APK


May be an image of map and text that says 'FlyWiiGUI Port COM14 Speed 115200 √ Mission mission Route Tuning Show Waypoints POS@Mouse Connect Read Settings Write Settings Defaults Loadfrom Config Control Settings Graph VideoCapture Settings CLI √ Show current posititons Show SaveoF Log Browser StartLog Start log Debug Show Gauges About Action Route Map Provider GoogleChinaSateliteMap 00000 Latitude Longitude -10 disabled GPSalt AUXSENSOR 0.0v GtC altitude GPSMODE NAV_STATE altitude WP: Upload Download mission Save Mission Load Mission'
No photo description available.
  • Aux 1 Arm & Horizon
  • Aux 2 Baro & MAG
  • Aux 3 GPS Home
  • Aux 4 GPS hold or Mission ,etc

this setup in FlywiiGUI allows a safe arming and self leveling of the drone in the Synerduino APK

SYNERDUINO – AGV APK (Surface Vehicle only)

for those building surface Automated Guided Vehicle (Tank or Boat) we have a special version of the app , this allow you to have a spare Phone to serve as the vehicle interface.

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